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(MARKHAM, Gervase).

A way to get wealth. Containing six principal vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves, as, 1. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use, and feeding of all sorts of cattel, and fowl, fit forthe service of man : as aslo the riding and dieting of horses, either for war or pleasure. 2. The knowledge, use, and laudable practice of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. 3. The office of a house-wife, in physick, chirurgery, extraction of oyles, banquets, cookery, ordering of feasts, preserving of wine, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hemp, flax, dying, use of dayries, maulting, brewing, baking ; and the profit of oats. 4. The inrichment of the weald in Kent. 5. The husbanding and inriching of all sorts of barren grounds, making them equall with the most fruitful : with the preservation of swine. And a computation of men and cattels labours &c. 6. The making of orchards, planting and grassing, the office of gardening, and ther ornaments, with the best husbanding of bees. The first five books gathered by G. M. The last by master W. L. for the benefit of Great -Brittain. The thirteenth time corrected, and augmented by the author.


Ldn., 1676. Liten 4to. Nyere skinnryggbd. med enkel dekor på deklene, marmorerte dekler. (12), 146, (10) s. Med et tresnitt i teksten. Small 4to. Recent half calf, marbled boards simply gilt, (12), 146, (10) pp. One woodcut in text.. (Printed by E. H. for George Sawbridge) Engelsk.

 5.376 DKK 

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Damms Antikvariat AS

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