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Fragmente und Antifragmente. Zwey Fragmente eines ungenannten aus Herrn Lessings Beytragen zur Litteratur abgedruckt mit Betrachtungen darüber. Nebst einigen Landkarten. I-II.


Nürnberg,, 1778-79. 8vo. Samt skinnryggbd. med opphøyde ryggbånd og ryggforgylling. Med titelfelt i brunrødt skinn. (2 bl.), 2, 268, (2) ; (8), 248, (2 bl.) s. Med 3 foldekart. 8vo. Bound together in a contemporary half calf binding, spine richly gilt and with coloured label. (2 blank), 2, 268, (2) ; (8), 248, (2 blank) pp. 3 folding maps.. (in Verlag der Johann Georg Lochnerischen Buchhandlung) Tysk.

Hjørnene støtt, ryggen noe skrapet. Navn på første bl. bl. Liten del revet bort av side to i del II, uten teksttap. Et fint eks. Corners bumped, spine rubbed. Name on first blank page. Small strip torn off the second page of vol. 2, no loss of text. Otherwise a clean and crisp copy. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781), German dramatist and critic. He studied theology, but was soon influenced by the popular rationalism of the Enlightment. He has no special claim to be ranked as a philosopher of originality and distinction, but with the regard to the diffusion of certain ideas and attitudes among educated minds, his historical influence is pre-eminent. (Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 4, pp. 443-46).

 1.000 DKK 

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