Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie, par Mr. Frederic Louïs Norden, capitaine des vaisseaux du roi. Ouvrage enrichie de Cartes & de Figures dessinées sur les lieux, par l'Auteur même.
2 volumes in 1. L'Imprimerie de la Maison Royale des Orphelins, Copenhagen 1755. Folio (30 x 45 cm.). Printed on thick paper. Engraved portrait of author (by Johann Martin Preisler) + engraved frontispiece (Marcus Tuscher). (40)+288 pages + and 159 engraved maps and views (drawn by the author and engraved/etched by Tuscher, partly in cooperation with the author). Contemporary full brown calf with richly gilt spine, gilt decorations on boards and inside gilt borders. All three edges gilt. Contemporary engraved bookplate on front pastedown. Recent bookplate on front endpaper. Spine-ends somewhat worn. Corners slightly bumped. Old inventory number in ink on verso of front endpaper. Slight edgewear.
* Attractive copy of this pioneering work, the cornerstone of Egyptology, published in only 200 copies by the then newly founded Royal Danish Scientific Society. The Danish naval officer F.L. Norden (1708-42) traveled on the Nile 1737-38, venturing further into Africa than any westerner had been for since antiquity - as far as today's Sudan, where they were attacked by the locals. He had been sent on the expedition by the Danish king Christian VI to keep an eye on a Count d'Esneval, who had persuaded the Danish king to try to find a route down the Nile to Ethopia, the land of milk and honey (and gold!). D'Esneval was a charlatan, but Norden made something of the journey anyway (much encouraged by his friend, the German freemason Baron von Stosch), as he was a skilled draughtsman, and his enormous material was the first documentation of many Egyptian monuments ever, also depicting everyday life in Egypt, as well as making a map of the Nile. ** Dansk Bogkunst 20. En af de 50 smukkeste danske bøger nogen sinde. Pragtfuldt udstyret dansk udgave af dette storværk, der udkom på fransk i 1755. Den danske søofficer nåede længere ned ad Nilen end nogen europæere havde præsteret siden oldtiden og blev med sine præcise iagttagelser og tegninger grundlægger af ægyptologien.